
LEARN Fall Reopening Family Survey

Dear LEARN families,

We are collected feedback from you about returning to school in the fall. In order to effectively plan what next year will look like, we are asking you to complete our brief survey by Tuesday, June 16, 2020.  This survey will collect information about the strengths and weaknesses of Remote Learning during the spring. We also want to learn about the concerns, questions and ideas you have for the fall. 

This survey is anonymous, unless you choose to share you name.  It will take roughly 7-10 minutes to complete.


English: https://bit.ly/LEARNReopeningSurveyEnglish

Spanish: https://bit.ly/LEARNReopeningSurveySpanish


Your input in deeply appreciated. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your campus leader.

In Partnership,

LEARN Charter School Network