Following a highly competitive process, 30 4th-8th grade educators were selected as finalists for the Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching – just 4% percent of a record-setting 732 nominations received from 64 counties in Illinois. Two educators part of the LEARN network were selected among these 30 educators: Mrs. Tesha Castillo from LEARN 6 North Chicago | Great Lakes and Mr. Michael Stewart from LEARN South Chicago.
“Now more than ever, it is essential to shine the light on the transformational role outstanding teachers play in the future success of Illinois and our nation. Without exceptional teachers, we cannot prepare our students to thrive in the workforce of tomorrow,” said Alan Mather, President of Golden Apple. “The positive impact these finalists for the Golden Apple Awards for Excellence in Teaching make on their students, schools, and communities is significant beyond measure, and we take great pride in recognizing their tremendous value.”
We are so proud of Mrs. Castillo and Mr. Stewart for being selected as finalists for this prestigious award. All award finalists will be honored on Saturday, February 22 at the Golden Apple Celebration of Excellence in Teaching & Leadership at the Q Center in St. Charles. Event detail and tickets are available at
The 2020 Golden Apple Award recipients will be notified in the spring with surprise visits at their schools. Northwestern University, Golden Apple’s partner for more than 30 years, generously provides a Spring Sabbatical to award recipients at no cost. In addition, each Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching recipient receives a $5,000 cash award. Award recipients also become Fellows of the Golden Apple Academy of Educators, a community of educators who support current and future teachers and deepen the learning of students.
See article on all 2020 finalists at here.