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LEARN Scholars Achieve at High Levels

LEARN alumni graduate college at 2x the rate of their peers exceeding city, state and national averages. Our college graduation rate is 8 points above the national average for all students regardless of socio-economic status or ethnicity. We are proud to be closing the achievement gap.

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LEARN alumni are 96% Black and 90% low income. College enrollment and graduation data is based on all incoming 9th grade students.
Source: Degree Attainment Index (DAI) chart included in University of Chicago’s To and Through Project, 2019 report. National Student Clearinghouse.

LEARN scholars significantly outperform comparison public elementary schools.

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2018 PARCC Composite Comparison
* Defined as public elementary schools within a 1 mile perimeter serving a similar population Source: PARCC Source: Illinois Report Card
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of LEARN alumni attend college prep high schools including selective enrollment, charter, private and some of the nation’s top boarding schools

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of LEARN scholars qualify to take the Chicago’s high competitive selective enrollment exam

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of LEARN scholars were accepted to Chicago’s elite selective enrollment high schools

LEARN alumni successfully pursue a wide range of professions ranging from service fields like education and healthcare to business.

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